Forex Tester Training Software
The first is fully automated forex trading. This is very similar to the algorithmic or black box style of trading. Here a computer algorithm (A step-by-step problem-solving procedure, especially an established, recursive computational procedure for solving a problem in a finite number of steps) has a criteria set of the timing of the buy or sell, the price and qualitity, all done by a robot or comuter program and without any human intervention. A user simply sets the parameters of the program and the computer then follows those parameters. In short, once the program is et no human interventin is required.
The other type of Forex autotrading is called the signal-based forex autotrading. As explained in WEikipedia, "This autotrading mode is based on the concept of auditing traders all over the world and making their strategies available to anyone interested in the form of signals. Then traders have the ability to automatically convert any of these signals to real trades in their broker accounts. Human interference here is augmented; signals come from live traders while users can actively select to follow a Signal Provider whose strategy fits their risk profile. Examples of such platforms are: ZuluTrade, Rent a Signal etc."
The forex market is somewhat unregulated and open to abuse. Due to its openess to virtually anyone who wishes to use it, it has been exposed to many scammers and people suseptible to fraud. For this reason it is prudent and important to make a very thorough study of E Forex and how it works fully before commencing E Forex or Forex autotrading.
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