Thursday, June 10, 2010

Forex Trading Currency Useful Information

What are the ingredients of trading in the forex market? The overseas market is comprised of a mixture of financial exchanges amongst nations. For those invested in the forex exchange generally trade in massive bulk with vast amounts of currency. For those deep into the forex stock market are likely to have companies who are cash businesses or are in the market of buying and selling liquid assets. The US market is massive but it is correct to think of the forex exchange as a giant in comparison than an individual market exchange in any one country. Those involved in the forex market are trading every single hour of every single day and sometimes on the week-ends.

You may be shocked to know the number of people that are involved in forex trading. In 2004, as much as two trillion dollars was the mean forex trading volume This is an immense number of trades for the number of daily dealings at a time. You can imagine how much one trillion dollars might be and multiply that by two, and this figure is the number of financial transactions every day on forex!

The forex market is not something new, as it has been used for over thirty years but with the introduction of computers, and the world wide web, the forex market multiplies as more everyday people and businesses start to understand the power of the forex market. Forex trading only makes up around ten percent of the total trades between countries but with greater popularity will come a greater volume.


Variables: C Datatypes
Lisp variables may be passed to or received from C style functions that take any of the standard C datatypes as parameters. C datatypes include byte/char, short, int, float, and double. Corman Lisp transparently takes care of much of the necessary casting and conversion between Lisp and C variables.

int width = 0;
int height = 0;

(setf width 0)
(setf height 0)

3.3) Variables: C Arrays and Structures
Things begin to get interesting when structures and arrays are used. Pure Lisp arrays are not equivalent to C arrays and therefore it is not possible to pass a Lisp array to a C function. If a C function takes an array a C style array must be created from within Lisp.

static GLfloat v0[] = { -1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f };

When using C, arrays may be created on the stack as shown in the C code above. When a C array is created in Lisp, it is always created on the heap - meaning it must be created using malloc. Because Lisp is garbage collected there is no need to explicitly free a variable created using malloc. The garbage collector will automatically free the memory for v0 when the variable goes out of scope. Although there is nothing stopping the reader from explicitly freeing a variable using the function free.

(setf v0 (ct:malloc (ct:sizeof ‘(:single-float 3))))

A C array may be initialized when it is created. In Lisp because C arrays are created on the heap, assignment must take place as a separate step.

(setf (ct:cref (:single-float 3) v0 0) -1.0)
(setf (ct:cref (:single-float 3) v0 1) -1.0)
(setf (ct:cref (:single-float 3) v0 2) 1.0)

cref (the ct: prefix identifies the package that contains cref) is used for accessing a C style array, or structure. Therefore, looking at the statements above:

ct:cref - accessing an array or structure.
(:single-float 3) - in this case, it is an array of 3 floats.
v0 - the name of the array we previously created using malloc.
0 - The index into the array

The Lisp implementation seems backward compared to the C-style the reader is probably used to, e.g v0[0] = -1. But that’s how it is done in CCL. It is possible to improve upon this using macros

The previous code described assignment. Retrieving a value is much the same, but without the setf.

(ct:cref (:single-float 3) v0 0)


The code for accessing a C struct is described below.

typedef struct {
Sint16 x;
Sint16 y;
Uint16 w;
Uint16 h;
} SDL_Rect;

(setf a-rectangle (ct:malloc (ct:sizeof ’sdl:SDL_Rect)))

(setf (ct:cref sdl:SDL_Rect a-rectangle sdl::x) 120)
(setf (ct:cref sdl:SDL_Rect a-rectangle sdl::x) 200)
(setf (ct:cref sdl:SDL_Rect a-rectangle sdl::w) 64)
(setf (ct:cref sdl:SDL_Rect a-rectangle sdl::h) 64)

The macro with-c-struct makes working with structs a lot easier, as shown below:

(with-c-struct (x rectangle sdl:SDL_Rect)
sdl::x 120
sdl::y 200
sdl::w 64
sdl::h 64))

An important consideration is that the Lisp sizeof function can only be passed defined types, for example sdl:SDL_Rect. Calling sizeof on a variable such as a-rectangle will fail.

3.4) Functions
Calling C style functions in Lisp is straightforward.

SDL_GL_SetAttribute( SDL_GL_RED_SIZE, 5 );

(SDL_GL_SetAttribute SDL_GL_RED_SIZE 5)

3.5) Callbacks
defun-c-callback is used to create a function callback in Lisp. As an example, the C prototype for the SDL function SDL_AddTimer is shown below. SDL_AddTimer takes a function as one of its parameters and calls that function at the specified interval.

C callback function prototype
typedef Uint32 (*SDL_NewTimerCallback)(Uint32 interval, void *param);

Lisp callback function
(ct:defun-c-callback timer-callback ((interval SDL:Uint32) (param (:void *)))
(fformat “Yup, timer Fired”)
(values interval))

C SDL_AddTimer prototype definition
SDL_TimerID SDL_AddTimer(Uint32 interval, SDL_NewTimerCallback callback, void *param);

Lisp code using a callback
(setf param (ct:malloc (ct:sizeof :LONG)))




Founded by CHOO KOON LIP,
FOREX ASIA ACADEMY provides practical Forex education and
dynamic Forex strategies that are applicable to the ever-changing currency market.

With the unique focus and specialized knowledge to trade the Forex market during Asian hours,
we believe that FOREX ASIA ACADEMY empowers self-directed traders with
the art and science of mainstream trading and the essential skills to trade Forex.

Such a hectic day. Went to LHDN (Malaysia’s Inland Revenue Board) to settle some tax issues. It was as though the place was having a family day. The whole place was packed with people. Then I realised today is the 10th of Feb and these people are rushing to make tax payments.

After that, I went to pick up my half-handicapped bf and hurried to MidValley. We spent whole afternoon doing our last-minute CNY clothes shopping. Took a break and caught Black Ransom in the cinema. The show has nothing to shout about. I fell asleep for fifteen minutes. We continued with clothes shopping and dinner.

Finally, I’ve got all my new clothes!!! Just need to get a pair of new shoes or two.

Thank you, dear, for the shopping spree! :D


The Forex market is that place where a country’s currency is trader for another country’s currency. Trading currencies take place all over the world around the clock so you can definitely say that this market is one that never closes. Moreover, with billions, and even trillions, behind all these transactions that take place, there is clearly much potential when it comes to profit in Forex trading.

With the advent of computer technology, the Internet, communication technology, and software development, any trader can actively participate in the market as long as he or she has a computer and a reliable Internet connection. However, to do well in the market, you have to take it upon yourself to monitor your trading activities day in and day out. This does not give you that much time to do anything else. With your automatic software, you can then proceed to doing whatever you want to do. You can even choose to hold a second job, so as long as you have enough time to commit.

Moreover, this automatic software allows you to do some trading of yourself without having to be an expert trader at all. All you really need to do is configure the settings of your software so that it can do the trading for you. Moreover, when you get a managed account, you can have either a trading account or a human expert do the trading for you. Ultimately, the decision as to which trades to execute would still be in your hands, even if you have a program or human trader doing the trading for you.

Moreover, having automatic software allows you to do more trades and handle more platforms. You can even manage multiple accounts via your multiple platforms. This is something that was never possible with traditional and manual trading before. Through your automatic Forex software, you would no longer miss out on any trade that is deemed profitable, even if you are not logged on to your computer. Lastly, automatic software is void of human emotions that human traders would inevitably have. Thus, you do not have to contend with mixed human emotions that can lead you to make subjective and costly decisions with the trades you make.

Trading systems that operate automatically

The automation of forex trading has resulted in gaining in its popularity. Small and mid level investors are now getting into the foray of what was once only dominated by banks and other large financial institutions. This is the market where one currency is traded against currency of another country. With trillions of dollars being traded twenty four hours a day, it makes this one of the largest and most dynamic financial markets.

Now that there is internet and advanced computer technology in place, any one with an internet connection, a forex trading account and good brokering knowledge can trade in forex. This global market place is open twenty four hours a day so if you want to stay abreast of market developments, you must keep a constant watch. You could choose a currency and its price before hand with the help of these automated systems. All you require is your seed money and a broker because your buy and sell orders can be executed in no time.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Join Us in Our Quest for the Ultimate Forex Trading Expert Advisor

How To Find The 4 Low-Risk, High-Potential
.S. Government Required Disclaimer - Stocks, forex, futures, and options trading is not appropriate for everyone. There is a substantial risk of loss associated with trading these markets. Losses can and will occur. No system or methodology has ever been developed that can guarantee profits or ensure freedom from losses. No representation or implication is being made that using this methodology or system or the information in this letter will generate profits or ensure freedom from losses.


Here’s A Quick Breakdown Of FAP Turbo’s Features:

I got most of my online forex training from the brilliant fx500 club live online forex school. I cannot recommend them highly enough.

Wow what a day today has turned out to be so far, quality trend trades within h4 swings all over the place, I wanted to take all of them but money management and common sense only allows me to risk 2% of my relatively small account per trade. I traded gbp/jpy and swissy (usd/chf) but there were valid trades on almost all the currency pairs I trade. Most are retracements on the H4 charts against the daily trends, I am loving those H4 charts more and more these days.

I called these swing trades because they are high probability , mostly counter trend trades against the daily trends

Forex fap turbo is one of the oldest expert advisors in the foreign exchange market and is still very popular today. Fap turbo comes in different languages. There are English, Spanish and Chinese versions of this forex trading software.

There is a popular saying that the poor and the rich are made during tough times. The forex trading market fluctuates like mad and any good foreign exchange trader will tell you that it is a paradise meant only for brave traders. It is during the times when the market fluctuates that most profits are made


When I first read about FAP Turbo what suprised me the most was its price. How could something that claims to deliver so much, possibly sell for so little? Software as sophisticated as this would have easily cost thousands of dollars a few short years ago. Can this affordable expert advisor really trade profitably when put against giant financial with their armies of professional traders? Well I had my doubts, it just doesn’t seem possible, this is truely a David and Goliath situation here.

FAP Turbo Claims

  • You Need To Know ABSOLULTELY NOTHING About the Forex Market or Forex Trading to benefit Day In and Day Out from FAP Turbo’s Cash Producing Power

  • Their Forex Robot is Capable of Doubling Your Money Every Single Month

  • FAP Robot’s LIVE Trading Results are even BETTER Than the Back-Test Results!

  • FAP Turbo can Trade with ANY Account Size….BIG or SMALL!

  • Install FAP Turbo in under 5 minutes… Fire it up.. Go sleep… Collect the cash

Those are claims are pretty wild right?! I mean if FAP is even capable of half of what they’re claiming, then that would be incredible!

#1: You Don’t Need to Know Anything About Forex Trading

To successfully trade in the Forex market takes years of study, a systematic trading strategy, thorough understanding of technical indicators, support, resistance levels, moving average crossovers, Fibonacci sequences. And above all nerves of steal. You must be able to trade without emotion and possess super human powers of concentration to turn all that theory into winning trades.

FAP Turbo takes care of all of this for you so you don’t have to. Its like having a veteran forex trader slaving for you tirelessly 24 hours a day. Trading without emotion, putting complex trading theory into practice. That is what computers are for anyway, they should do all the grunt work for you. You just choose your trading style and set it to start practice trading or trading with real money.

#2: Double Your Money Every Month

Now that is a pretty bold claim. You often hear these claims made, even with far less sophisticated automated trading programs. More often than not, they have cherry picked some historical data and tweaked the system to make better than average trades.

However it turns out that FAPTurbo are putting their money where their mouth is. They are running 3 live trading accounts and publishing the results directly to their website for all the world to see. This is unheard of in the industry. Live results from real trades. Just check the out here. All 3 accounts are running at a profit. One is only just doubling its money each month while the other two are well in excess of that goal.

Combatting Spam In Wordpress – The Easy Way

Discussion Settings

Under the Settings menu in the “Disucssion” subsection you will see a section which lists 3 options that will apply before a comment appears on your blog. The bottom two options ‘Comment Author must fill out name and email’ as well as ‘Comment author must have a previously approved comment’ are by default checked. We recommend leaving this checked however you may, if you find spam getting past Akismet often enable the option that an Administrator must approve all new comments.

Comment Moderation is another option you may use. You may change the amount of allowed URLs or links from it’s default value of 2 by setting it to 1. This allows the comment to contain 1 link before it is placed in a moderation queue. Setting this to 0 will mean all comments will be placed in the moderation queue.

Require users to register in order to comment

This is a setting available under Settings menu in the “General” subsection. Most spam bots are not designed to register on a Wordpress site so this will effectively put an end to any spammers, but it may also decrease the amount of comments people leave on your blog. This should only be a last resort.

Our Choice FAP Turbo

Unlike other robots which take between fifteen minutes and four hours of work per day, this just requires the click of one click to trade button and then you can begin to enjoy the profits.

Worth A Look
# 5 - Forex Ambush 2.0 promises impressive returns of 160% monthly and 2000% annually. Years of experience by 31 elite traders came together to produce this stunning robot and $2 million dollars.

Forex ambush provides the most easy to follow signals and they advise you re-invest between 5-50% of capital into your next trades.

Forex ambush prides itself on being the equivalent to having over 1000 trading specialists sitting in your office and advising you on what is best to trade. Its definetely worth looking at, if your serious about making money through curreny trading.

What we give you is professional 100% Accurate Artificial Intelligence Forex Signals. Artificial intelligence works almost like a human brain. Think: a brain put into a jar and customized just to process currencies all day to make you money.

Are you interested in FOREX trading?

The FX market is unique because of:
  • Its trading volumes
  • The extreme liquidity of the market
  • The large number and variety of, traders in the market
  • Its gregraphical dispersion
  • Its long trading hours: 24 hours a day except weekends
  • The variety of factors that affect exchange rates
  • The low margins of profit compared with other markets of fixed income (but profits can be high due to very large trading volumes)
  • The use of leverage

Analytics in MetaTrader


Analyzing price dynamics of financial securities is the most important component of a successful trading experience. In MetaTrader 5 we tried to provide traders with as many analytical tools as possible.

Analytics in MetaTrader 5:
  • 21 timeframes
  • 38 technical indicators
  • 39 graphical objects
  • 4 scaling modes
  • 17 styles of displaying Custom Indicators

Three types of charts are available in MetaTrader 5: broken line, Japanese candlesticks and bars. For the analysis of these data 38 built-in indicators, 39 graphical objects and the large variety of MQL5 indicators can be used. All these analytical tools can be combined in different ways: objects can be applied to indicators; indicators can be built on the basis of other indicators and so on.

The history of quotes in MetaTrader 5 is stored only in M1 form and all charts are built based on them. This solution allows extending the number of timeframes up to 21, so that any period from minute to month can be used to analyze quotes. The main limitation on timeframes is their multiplicity: one hour must contain the integer number of minute periods. The following timeframes comply with this rule: M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, M10, M12, M15, M20 and M30.

Besides, format of history data storing in MetaTrader 5 is space-efficient. For example, M1 history of GBPUSD quotes for ten years occupies about 10 MB only. This history being downloaded once, you will be able to build any charts on this symbol starting from M1 till MN1.


The integrated development environment MQL5 is responsible for the development and use of Expert Advisors, custom indicators and scripts in MetaTrader 5. It includes MetaEditor 5, MetaTrader 5 Strategy Tester and MetaQuotes Language 5 (MQL5).

The MQL5 language for programming trading strategies is distinct for high speed of execution and approaches C++ in terms of this parameter. As compared to MQL4, the new language is 4-20 times quicker. This allows using more complex Expert Advisors able to process large amounts of data per time unit and therefore obtain more precise forecasts of price dynamics. Besides, the new language is object-oriented which makes the development of Expert Advisors quicker and easier.

MetaTrader 5 terminal supports 4 types of operation execution: Market, Instant, Request and Exchange. The new execution type Exchange is developed for processing trade operations with stock symbols.

Profound differences between notions of position, order and trade appeared in MetaTrader 5. Order is a request to execute a trade operation, the result of which can be a trade. A position is the total state of trades on a certain financial security. Any financial security can have only one position.

If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to my....

Frankly, I’ve learned more about successful Forex trading during the 14 day trial than I have surfing the web, buying ebooks and watching free videos COMBINED! And this is with access to only a FRACTION of what Hector has planned. I think part of the reason is the learning experience is so well planned and presented in VIDEO that it makes it impossible not to learn methods, tips and tricks that make me a better trader. Plus, Hector uses a lot of real LIVE examples, which really bring the trading strategies he teaches to life.

One of the first things Hector teaches is that common indicators really don’t work all that well, and are actually distracting traders from what really matters… PRICE ACTION! More often than not, Forex traders become nothing more than “indicator followers” and therefore don’t ever learn how to read PRICE ACTION correctly. This is one of the reasons there are a lot of struggling traders out there.

Now, that does not mean that ALL indicators are bad indicators. As a matter of fact, Hector gives away some of his most powerful Custom Indicators. But what I’ve learned over the past couple of weeks is that these indicators aid in reading Price Action… and are not a substitute for it like other indicators.

As I said above, Hector provides the Custom Indicators and Chart Template to be used with the MetaTrader4 platform. Here is what my chart looks like now…

A. You’ll notice a shaded box. The box surrounds the entire trading day’s activity and is shaded blue if the market went up, and red if the market went down. This is a quick visual reference that shows what price is doing over each trading session.

B. These dotted lines represent Support (blue) and Resistance (pink) levels. These are generated automatically according to how price is moving. This automatically bring your attention to price levels that need to be kept track of… either to use when determining Entry levels or Take Profit levels.

C. Swing High and Swing Low indication arrows. These blue and red arrows are not indications to buy or sell. They mark the major swing high and swing low areas. This is great to get a quick understanding or which direction the market is moving and whether the market is trending or in a range.

D. This is an ATR (Average True Range) indicator. This show how much the currency pair usually moves, and how much it has moved so far in the trading session. This is great to help determine whether a trade has the potential to move as much as you would like, or possibly done for the trading session.

E. To the left of the “E” you’ll see some horizontal lines (dark and light) at the top and bottom of the trading day. These are actually visual representations of the Average True Range. This is essential for Intra-Day trading and knowing where you are in the market for that trading session.

Commodity Forex Online Trading

Regardless of your trading style, BEST Direct� 8 gives you a complete and effective platform for futures commodities trading with a forex account as well as providing options and derivatives trading. The depth-of-market (DOM) panels offer a dynamic way to view the market and place trades, including advanced order entry such as trailing stops and profit targets. The Trade Window gives a complete view of account information and an intuitive order entry ticket with OCO orders, while the flexible workspace lets you mix and match the platform views that you want. Features of BEST Direct 8 include:

  • Trailing stops and profit targets
  • OCO orders
  • Depth of Market Trading Panel
  • Trade window with complete positions summary, trade panel, order history, and real-time account status
  • Strategy window
  • Immediate access to your existing trading account or demo account
  • Sortable order management panels that can be filtered by product or by order status
  • Flexible workspace that lets you build the trading environment you are most comfortable using

Trading Forex

stands for Foreign Exchange, also known as FX. Forex is an over-the-counter (OTC) or off-exchange market. In a Forex trade, you buy one currency while simultaneously selling another. You're exchanging the sold currency for the one you're buying.

Currencies trade in pairs, like the Euro & US Dollar (EUR/USD) or the British Pound & US Dollar (GBP/USD). Unlike stocks or futures, there is no centralized exchange for foreign currency trading. All transactions happen globally through major banks and brokerages via phone, software and electronic communication networks.

Who trades currencies, and why?

Daily turnover in the world's currencies comes from two sources:

  • Foreign trade (5%). Companies buy and sell products in foreign countries and/or convert profits from foreign sales into their domestic currency.
  • Speculation for profit (95%).

Most traders focus on "The Majors" which are the biggest and most active currency pairs with the greatest liquidity. In fact, more then 85% of the daily Forex trading volume happens in the major pairs, which include the US Dollar, Japanese Yen, Euro, British Pound, Swiss Franc, Canadian Dollar and Australian Dollar.

The world's biggest market, offering 24/5 trading hours!
Forex is the single largest market in the world with volume now exceeding $4 trillion dollars daily.

The Forex market provides the ability to trade around the clock and across borders almost every day of the week. Because of this distinct benefit and the fluid nature of the trading hours, asset managers, hedge funds, investors and traders are seeking the untapped potential of the Forex market. Further, the decline of the equity markets circa 2001, and more recently the mortgage and global economic crisis circa 2007 that is still happening today, has allowed the Forex market to emerge as a legitimate asset class in its own right

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Forex Trading Results

Forex Tester Training Software

The first is fully automated forex trading. This is very similar to the algorithmic or black box style of trading. Here a computer algorithm (A step-by-step problem-solving procedure, especially an established, recursive computational procedure for solving a problem in a finite number of steps) has a criteria set of the timing of the buy or sell, the price and qualitity, all done by a robot or comuter program and without any human intervention. A user simply sets the parameters of the program and the computer then follows those parameters. In short, once the program is et no human interventin is required.

The other type of Forex autotrading is called the signal-based forex autotrading. As explained in WEikipedia, "This autotrading mode is based on the concept of auditing traders all over the world and making their strategies available to anyone interested in the form of signals. Then traders have the ability to automatically convert any of these signals to real trades in their broker accounts. Human interference here is augmented; signals come from live traders while users can actively select to follow a Signal Provider whose strategy fits their risk profile. Examples of such platforms are: ZuluTrade, Rent a Signal etc."

The forex market is somewhat unregulated and open to abuse. Due to its openess to virtually anyone who wishes to use it, it has been exposed to many scammers and people suseptible to fraud. For this reason it is prudent and important to make a very thorough study of E Forex and how it works fully before commencing E Forex or Forex autotrading.

e-Forex could be the Key to Your Financial Independence and Freedom

E Forex

The foreign exchange, known as the Forex or FX market for short, is the place where currency trading takes place. All Forex transactions typically involve one party purchasing an amount of one currency in exchange for paying a quantity of another. The idea is to make a profit based upon the disparity or difference between the values of the currencies.

The FX market is one of the largest and most liquid financial markets in the world, and includes trading between large banks, central banks, currency speculators, corporations, governments, and many other institutions. The average daily volume in the global forex and related markets is continuously growing. Turnover in April 2007, for example, was reported to be over three trillion dollars by the Bank for International Settlements and the market continues to grow with the volume increased by over 40 percent between 2007 and 2008 according to Euromoney's annual FX Poll.

e--forexSo this is an expanding market and one in which anyone can participate. You DO have options and you can work on improving your income and giving you and your family a brighter future. Start now by checking out the major e-Forex company below for some insights into the most effective e-Forex strategies

Forex Auto Trading: An Escort to Achieve Millionaire Grade

There is no place in the world like Forex trading market to accomplish success in spawning oodles of money. The Foreign Exchange trading, popularly known as Forex, deals with purchase and sell of foreign currencies and thus, holds unleashed potential equivalent to share trading.

How does it Work

Forex trading is driven by the fluctuating forces existing in the currency market. These forces are capable of playing with the prices of currencies from different countries. Thus, there is a constant revision of the worth possessed by each currency.

  • Investment in Forex trading is made by converting one currency into another during its deceased value phase on the run.
  • When the prices of new currency climb new heights, the investor has the options to convert it back to the original form or alter it into other another currency.